Winter Term
Think Global, Act Local
With our regular class schedule on hold, students in Grades 6- 8 take their research into the field to meet with experts and creatively investigate, engage, and apply hands-on designs to resolve challenges on both a local and global level.
Faculty-led studios dive deep into topics like solar power and alternative energy, reducing food waste, humane farming, and ocean health. Guest speakers and industry leaders are invited to campus, while day trips take students to local farms to see sustainable farming, local beaches to collect trash, power plants to tour power grids, and wind turbines to study clean power. At the end of the term, students share their findings in a showcase presentation, and explain their solutions and real-world applications to our school.
The term brings together a mission-based experience for students and faculty to develop their global awareness and bring it back to campus.
Winter Term Highlights
Specialized 1-week schedule with hands-on research
Guest speakers and industry leaders invited to campus
Day trips and site visits
Faculty-led studios
Cross-disciplinary learning
Findings and research shared in showcase presentation
Real-world application
We have an obligation to help our students understand how they are personally connected to the major global challenges affecting our world. Winter Term asks students to not only think empathically, but it asks them turn empathy into action. When our students graduate from Derby, we want them to be confident leaders that look beyond themselves at the bigger picture.