Grade 5

While Grade 5 students still spend the majority of their academic time in homerooms, they continue to build their skills as independent and collaborative workers and begin to develop the self-advocacy, organization, and study skills that will serve them well when they transition into our Upper School.

Grade 5 students begin to gain a global perspective and learn to view the world through an inclusive lens, focusing on connections across the curriculum, and culminating with International Night.

Derby Academy, HIngham, Grade 5, Middle School
Derby Academy, Hingham, South shore, Middle School, Private School, Grade 5
Grade 5 Highlights
  • International Studies Project
  • 5th Grade Talk - Who Am I?
  • Pals program 
  • Malawi Children's Mission Cultural Exchange
  • Student Council
  • Bridge Engineering Contest
  • Caine's Arcade Cardboard Inventor's Challenge

In the Classroom

Derby Academy, Hingham, Private School, South Shore