Grade 4

Grade 4 teachers expertly guide our students in their transition between the Lower and Middle School, knowing new challenges await, while keeping joy and play center to the student experience.

Opportunities in the arts, intramural sports, extracurricular activities, and community service set the stage for further social and emotional growth as students are introduced to a more challenging academic curriculum. 


Grade 4 students gain more of a leadership role in our school community, mentoring primary school students as part of the Pals program and participating as grade representatives to the Middle School Student Council.

Derby Academy, Hingham, Middle School, Private School, South Shore
Grade 4 Highlights
  • Egg Drop Engineering Project
  • Pals 
  • Malawi Children's Mission Cultural Exchange 
  • Student Council Opportunities
  • Morning Meeting Presentations
  • Holly Hill Farm Partnership
  • Mosaic Coffee Houses
  • Book Talks and Podcasts

In the Classroom

Derby Academy, Hingham, Private School, South Shore