Middle School | Gr. 4 & 5

Derby Academy, Hingham, Middle School, Private School, South Shore

Our Grades 4 & 5 years inspire children’s curiosity to reach well beyond the classroom.

Our Middle School division builds on the foundational skills established in the Lower School while supporting the children as they tackle more complex areas of study and develop as adolescents – intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically. Students are given more independence as they transition between classrooms for core subjects as well as their arts block and PE. Our program in Grades 4 and 5 integrates the ‘heart’ of Derby’s mission to guide students “toward an awakening sense of personal responsibility.”


Our grades 4 and 5 students continue to learn through an interdisciplinary, project-based approach that challenges and engages the whole child as they move toward more abstract thinking, intellectual growth, and independent problem-solving.

Bridge, Derby Academy, Hingham, Middle Shool
Middle School HighlightS
  • Cross-Curricular Writing Program
  • Interdisciplinary STEM Projects
  • Student Council
  • Spanish
  • Development of Digital Literacy and Inquiry Based Learning
  • Culture and Affinity Spaces
  • 2 Recess Periods Per Day
  • Daily Arts Block includes year-long instrumental, Chorus, Drama instruction, as well as opportunities in Visual Art, Sewing, Shop, and STEM

Our Social-Emotional Learning initiatives include core concepts of leadership, self and social-awareness, decision-making, and belonging. We utilize various research-based curriculum (win@social, Open Circle, Commonsense Media and Character Strong to name a few) which permeates all areas of student life and encourages our students to develop the skills necessary to negotiate relationships, solve problems in teams, and build a better understanding of their role in their community.

Building on their foundational skills in science, math, reading, writing, history, and Spanish, as well as expanding opportunities in the arts, sports, extracurricular activities, community service, and student leadership, the Middle School years provide a well-rounded life on campus in which students’ growth, discovery, and increased independence prepare them for successful years in the Upper School and beyond. 

There are moments at Derby, sometimes a big moment like an arts performance or a very subtle glimpse into a classroom, when I realize just how much my children have grown and flourished in the Derby environment. 

Lori Cashman P'19,'19,'22,'22,'23 

Learn More at the Grade Level

Grade 4

Grade 5

Derby Academy, Middle school, Hingham, Private School, south shore