Grade 1

Grade 1 emphasizes respect for each individual, consistently challenging our students in a supportive environment.

Mathematics explore topics such as using numbers in everyday life, geometry, fractions, and knowing the value of money as students begin to recognize visual and number patterns, and develop mental math strategies. Daily reading and writing instruction guides reading and phonics across the curriculum as stories are published and shared using the Writer’s Workshop format. Handwriting and grammar are studied, as well as narrative, opinion, and informational writing supported by instruction, revision, and conferencing.

Grade 1 Spanish further develops listening and speaking skills while vocabulary and culture is explored through songs, rhymes, and games. Students utilize iPads for coding apps and programming toys for STEM activities and class research. Art classes introduce experimenting and manipulating art materials as Grade 1 students weave elements of art into their classroom curriculum. The rhythm games and dramatic play in our music classes have our students exploring the connections between music and movement.


Each facet of classroom instruction is intended to meet the individual needs of our students as students develop a sense of pride in their work that promotes life-long learning.

Derby Academy, Hingham, Grade 1, Lower School
Grade 1 Highlights
  • Malawi Connections
  • Plants and Animals Unit
  • Head of School’s House Tour
Derby Academy, Hingham, Private School, South Shore